Barnett Architecture LLC

Private Residence
Middleton, WI
A young family purchased a classic 1970s home which lacked the feel and spaces they envisioned for their "forever" home. Goals included updating materials and finishes, creating an open living area and a adding master bedroom.
The first floor is opened up to views in three directions. Features include relocating the original fireplace and development of a new kitchen with expansive windows. The children’s rooms are fitted with new trim, lighting and finishes while their bathroom was fully renovated. An addition provides for a new master bedroom and lower level root cellar. The master bedrooms features include a nighttime star-gazing skylight and large windows facing the wooded lot. The walk-in closet and bathroom are located within the existing footprint.
Exterior changes were limited to the addition and windows in the kitchen. Modern vertical metal siding is used as a complement to the wooden siding.
Photography by Rebecca Behling